“Sunflowers end up facing the sun, but they go through a lot of dirt to find their way there.”
~ J.R. Rim ~
With the 2023 CrossFit Open Games in the rear view mirror, it’s time to set our goals for the next year. But first things first, CONGRATS to the WOD Squad team for pulling off the victory in our intramural competition this year. By no means a steal, all teams came in close and everyone performed incredibly! Our hard work over the last year showed and many of you exceeded your own expectations!
We also wrapped up our “Row to the Pot of Gold” challenge for March. That was a LOT of calories! Winners will be announced in next month’s newsletter. Winners for the February “Fall in Love with Lifting” challenge were, Matt D., Aaron S. and Conor! Nice work, guys! Our challenge for the month of April will be 50,000m of running! Closest to the finish line, wins the prize. At the end of the month our top 3 athletes with the most meters accumulated will receive a prize and their names will go into a quarterly drawing for a free month ($115 value) of membership! For those of you who don’t count meters, that’s 31 miles. Let’s get to it!
They say that “April showers bring May flowers”, but I’m pretty sure we got all April’s rain in March. So plan on enjoying some of the Super Bloom this April. There’s a fun opportunity in the first weeks of May to participate in a “Bee-utiful Sunflower Run” at Gilcrease Orchard. I encourage any and all to sign up. I don’t know about you, but I always train better with a deadline and goal in sight. For more information on registering check out the details here. There’s even a fun Sunflower Fairy Stroll for Kids!
I know running isn’t everyone’s cup of tea, but it’s an essential, functional skill to have at one’s disposal. At Best Dam CrossFit, we teach the Pose Method of running. The Pose method focuses on the three stages of running: pose, fall, pull. Put plainly, Running is just “falling with style”. This last week, my 74-year-old mother learned to “fall with style” as we paced out our shuttle runs. This is one thing she absolutely vowed she would not be able to do when starting CrossFit a little over a month ago – that and jump rope, which she also did this last week. It just confirms what we say all the time – it’s never too late to start moving, to learn new skills, to grow in strength and character. If there’s someone in your life that you’d like to see start moving, invite them to a class this month! We all start somewhere, but we don’t have to stay there.

What to expect:
Running! Ok, not just running. Some of that and a lot more!
- Strength/weightlifting – 2-3x’s a week. We had a great end to our Wendler cycle and are focusing on a few additional lifts leading into our next Wendler cycle. Expect a lot of Spring “Cleaning” this month!
- Weekly workouts with a focus on additional Olympic lifts (bench press, snatches and cleans, front squats) and running.
- Birthday Party WODs – Saturday, April 29th.
- Nutrition challenge, posts, and advice. We’ve started a separate nutrition page for our members. PM Coach Deb to join that group.
- Saturday Partner WODs.
- Monthly Fitness Challenge – “Running with the Wildflowers”.
- Moderate and short time domains with an occasional longer workout thrown in.

We’re hosting Festivus again this Spring – Feats of Strength for the Rest of Us! Mark your calendars for April 22, 2023 and REGISTER today as a team of 3 or as an individual. We’re accepting applications for volunteers and sponsors as well. Apply to volunteer or sponsor NOW!
Spring Class Schedule:
M-F 5AM, 6AM, 7AM, 8AM, 9:30AM morning classes.
M- F 3:30PM, 4:30PM, 5:30PM afternoon classes.
Saturdays 9AM FREE Partner WOD.
Sundays – Closed.
Drop In Class Rates – $10.