“Exercise is king. Nutrition is queen. Put them together and you’ve got a kingdom.”
~ Jack LaLanne ~
August is here and blazing! Yeehaw! We’re wrapping our 8-week programming up this and next week with a few 1-rep maxes – clean & jerk, front squat, and back squat; a 3-rep max – push press and deadlift; a 10-rep front squat and reverse lunge. July marked month number two on the new PRVN programming and we’re struggling to find any naysayers. Looks like it’s here to stay for a minute. PRVN programming includes strength building, metabolic conditioning, accessory work, warm-ups and cool-downs and a variety of scaling options for your elite competitors, athletes levels 1-3, Masters 55+, and travel/hotel variations. There’s something for everyone!
August programming starts us off in a new “Swole Cycle”. The intent for this cycle is to address body imbalances, focusing on great accessory and bodybuilding sessions. We’re aiming to strengthen specific muscular areas like legs, arms, shoulders, and midline. The primary goal is to build a solid foundation of strength and capacity before pushing the limits further in preparation for the 2024 Season. We want to see each and every athlete reach their full potential. As part of this cycle, we will be testing the PRVN Total which includes: Back Squat, Bench Press, Power Clean, and Weighted Pull-Up, for a total weight lifted. We’re excited to hit this next cycle with you and witness your incredible progress and growth!
We’ve welcomed several new members this summer. Love your awesome personalities and what you bring to the character of our community. We’ve seen some old faces trickling back in. Good to have you back! And for those of you who haven’t gone anywhere, we commend you for sticking with it! We all go through seasons in our fitness journey just like everything else in life. Don’t hate the season you’re in. Love it and learn from it. Whether you’re in competition mode, maintenance mode, or in an off season, we’re here to support your goals and meet your needs.
We have two things on the horizon as we near the end of summer: kid’s classes and nutrition. Kid’s classes will start up August 22nd. We’ll run six week cycles to coincide with the school quarters. Class dates are as follows:
- August 22-September 28
- October 10 – Nov 16
- January 9-February 15
There will be a break for the winter holidays and a short break for the Open ’24. Class times will run three times a week – Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday at 5:00-5:45Pm. Classes will be coached by Coach Lisa Combs and Coach Katie Tyler. The cost for each 6-week cycle is $120.
Quarterly free membership drawing goes to Brittnae Pugh for the 2nd quarter. WTG Brittnae! Our monthly challenge in August is a nutrition challenge. Jeff Helvin will be assisting our athletes with accountability. Track your food on any given day and you may check the box. Hand in a weekly log and earn bonus points towards your challenge. Because we have such a wide range of goals and needs when it comes to nutrition, the focus of the challenge will be on accountability not results as there isn’t a measurement that will work for everyone. Our results speak for themselves in our gym performance. If you have a specific goal such as weight loss, gain, or reconstitution, we can help you tailor your nutrition to that end. The number one factor for any successful nutrition program is adherence! Let’s find a plan that works for you and stick to it!

What to expect:
August starts off our 8-week “Swole Cycle.” We will see some progressive loading, volume management, and bodybuilding sessions with a focus on 3-position complexes. This approach develops endurance while enforcing proper technique and body position.
- Strength/weightlifting – PRVN TOTAL focused on back squat, bench press, power clean, weighted pull-up.
- Weekly workouts with a focus on targeting a wide array of time domains combinations and new skills.
- Birthday Party WODs – Saturday, August 26th.
- Saturday Partner WODs with partner and team workouts.
- Monthly Fitness Challenge – Nutrition accountability
End of Summer/ Fall Class Schedule:
M-F 5AM, 6AM, 7AM, 8AM, 9:30AM morning classes
M- F 3PM, 4PM, and 6PM afternoon classes
T-TH 5:00-5:45PM Kid’s Class starting August 22nd.
Saturdays 9AM FREE Partner WOD.
Sundays – Closed.
Drop In Class Rates – $10.