“July is hot afternoons and sultry nights and mornings when its joy just to be alive. July is a picnic and a red canoe and a sunburned neck and a softball game and ice tinkling in a tall glass. July is a blind date with summer.”
~ Hal Borland ~
July is heating up and not a moment too soon. Seems as if Mother Nature got the memo down to the date! June was our first month on the new PRVN programming and we’re liking things so far. PRVN programming includes strength building, metabolic conditioning, accessory work, warm-ups and cool-downs and a variety of scaling options for your elite competitors, athletes levels 1-3, Masters 55+, and travel/hotel variations. There’s something for everyone!
For those of you on vacation or taking the summer off, keep having fun and doing your thing. This is why we CrossFit – so we can do the fun things in life for as long as possible in life. We’ll see you soon!
If you heard a rumor about kids’ classes in the works, it’s true! Kids’ classes will be starting up in August. We’ll run six week cycles to coincide with the school quarters. Class dates are as follows:
- August 22-October 6
- October 10 – Nov 16
- January 9-February 15
There will be a break for the winter holidays and a short break for the Open ’24. Class times will run three times a week – Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday at 5:00pm. Classes will be coached by Coach Lisa and Coach Katie. Fee schedule and other details will be included in our August Newsletter.
We’ll have a quarterly drawing for free membership in a few days. Stay tuned for those results. Monthly challenge for July is Accessory Work. Every day the programming includes optional accessory work. Your challenge is to get it done. Get to it!
What to expect:
July continues our 8-week “Hybrid Cycle.” We will touch on higher volume, higher intensity strength specific pieces to develop both overall strength and endurance.
- Strength/weightlifting – PRVN Strength and Olympic Lift programming with focus on the Front Squat, cluster sets, and EMOM work, and 1RM Snatches and Clean and Jerks.
- Weekly workouts with a focus on targeting a wide array of time domains combinations and new skills.
- Birthday Party WODs – Saturday, July 22nd.
- Saturday Partner WODs with partner and team workouts.
- Monthly Fitness Challenge – Accessory Work
Summer Class Schedule:
M-F 5AM, 6AM, 7AM, 8AM, 9:30AM morning classes
M- F 3PM, 4PM, 5PM and 6PM afternoon classes
Saturdays 9AM FREE Partner WOD.
Sundays – Closed.
Drop In Class Rates – $10.