“Our life is March weather, savage and serene in one hour.”
~ Ralph Waldo Emerson ~
The 2023 CrossFit Open Games are in full swing! We’re two weeks deep and on the final leg of our race. A lot of work on the part of the athletes goes into this season. We’ve trained hard, applied discipline, and some days barely scraped by on a sliver of motivation. The Open is a time of reckoning. We discern our strengths and weaknesses, bare our souls, and leave every drop of exertion on the floor, only to realize at the end of the day – it’s never quite enough. The demand is always more; the standard is always better.
I’m listening to an audio book right now titled, “Searching for Enough”. I have some news for you: We will never be enough. And that’s the beauty of CrossFit for most of us. We grow, always grow. There is never a day we walk into the gym and think to ourselves – I am enough. Every year as we face the Open, we face ourselves and this notion that we are not enough. The workouts are designed for precisely that – to expose an athlete’s “not enough-ness”. It is in the realization of “not enough” that we have two choices before us – become more or die trying.
What you do with “not enough” will define your character and potential as an athlete. The faster one embraces the reality of “not enough”, the faster one will move forward. I have concluded that ‘enough’ is infinite. It transcends life and death. It was there before I existed; it will be there long after I’m gone. Which can mean only one thing – it isn’t me. Here’s why that’s good news: if “enough” isn’t me, then I am free to be all that I was designed to be. I believe there is a full potential of what I am intended to be and that person will never fit another’s standard of “enough”. It is and always will be, uniquely me.
Which brings me to another important truth. If enough isn’t me, then it must belong to another. That other becomes my standard, my motivation, my Higher Power. Who or what is your enough? It will define who and what you become. And that “enough” will determine your character, potential, and limits as an athlete.
Enough mad talk from me…
March madness is upon us and with it a mad dash for that infamous pot o’ gold. We’re rowing our way to that rainbow’s end! Our monthly challenge for March is 5,000 calories of rowing. At the end of the month our top 3 athletes with the most calories accumulated will receive a prize and their names will go into a quarterly drawing for a free month ($115 value) of membership! Ready, Set. Row!
Congratulations to our January Monthly Challenge winner – Monica Turpin. Runner ups were: Conor Kendrick, Brittnae Pugh, and Stephen Turpin.
Other events in March include the annual Rock, Roll, and Stroll sponsored by our Boulder City Senior Center. on Saturday, March 11th, 11AM – 2Pm. Please consider supporting this fundraiser which benefits the “Meals on Wheels” program in Boulder City. Meals on Wheels operates in communities across the nation to address senior hunger and isolation.
Join us this upcoming Friday Night, March 3rd for our final Open celebration – 6PM-8PM.
Mark your calendar and come out to celebrate with our community!

What to expect:
Increased focus on Finishing Strong!
- Strength/weightlifting – 2-3x’s a week. We’ll be starting off the month with the end of our Wendler cycle – 1RMs in back squat, shoulder press, and deadlift. We put it off an extra week to get through the Open. Good thing too! They threw in a nasty 1RM thruster last week.
- Weekly workouts with a focus on additional Olympic lifts (bench press, snatches and cleans, front squats) and monostructural movements (running, rowing, skiing, being assaulted by a bike).
- Birthday Party WODs – Saturday, March 25th.
- Nutrition challenge, posts, and advice. We’ve started a separate nutrition page for our members. PM Coach Deb to join that group.
- Saturday Partner WODs.
- Monthly Fitness Challenge – “Rowing to the Pot O’ Gold”.
- CrossFit benchmark, time trials, and baseline WODs.

We’re hosting Festivus again this Spring – Feats of Strength for the Rest of Us! Mark your calendars for April 22, 2023 and REGISTER today as a team of 3 or as an individual. We’re accepting applications for volunteers and sponsors as well. Apply to volunteer or sponsor NOW!
Spring Class Schedule:
M-F 5AM, 6AM, 7AM, 8AM, 9:30AM morning classes.
M- F 3:30PM, 4:30PM, 5:30PM afternoon classes.
Saturdays 9AM FREE Partner WOD.
Sundays – Closed.
Drop In Class Rates – $10.