What’s Happening in November!

“Don’t wait until the fourth Thursday in November, to sit with family and friends to give thanks. Make every day a day of Thanksgiving!” ~ Charmaine J. Forde ~

Where did Fall go? That sudden cold snap was brutal! And it literally just blew in one afternoon. However, with October behind us, there is so much to be thankful for this season. For starters, we had an amazing Festivus Games event! Thank you to all our volunteers who made it happen and congratulations to the many teams that came out from across the Las Vegas Valley to compete and sport their hard-earned skills. Keep an eye out for future competitions in the Spring and Fall of next year. Congrats to our own competitors who took part in the competition: Nightmare Before WOD-L-WEEN (pictured below) and AMBAP. Y’all made us proud! 

All that CHAD Prep Extra Credit we’ve been working on is about to pay off! CHAD is a hero workout in honor of Navy SEAL Chad Wilkinson who took his life on October 29, 2018 due to the effects of numerous deployments, several TBIs, blast wave injuries, and PTSD. Our goal is to honor Chad’s life and legacy and to raise awareness for suicide prevention. The workout will take place on Veterans Day, November 11th.

Intensity and volume will be on the rise this month. We’ll be seeing quite a bit of focus on midline stability. Midline stability refers to the capacity to maintain a neutral spine UNDER LOAD through full range of motion when performing a movement. As intensity and volume increase, your core will be pushed to the margins of its limits. This is our breaking point. This is where growth happens. This is where we’re pushed to excel. Often we’re tempted to process plateaus and limits as failures. Let’s reframe that thought into one of growth and development. It’s easy to perceive every WOD as a test to ace or game to win. Every day is not a test day, but every day is a day to grow.

Now that the Holiday season is upon us, let’s keep our goals in focus. What is the goal? To enjoy as many holiday seasons as possible in this life! In order to do that, we must acknowledge that our nutrition choices also make a difference. It’s not just about moving well into our old age; it’s about having old age in the first place in which to move. A lot of what determines how we age relies on what we put in our bodies. What we eat plays a major role in how we look and feel as we get older. CrossFit may be newer on the scene, but it’s not a fad – it’s a lifestyle – and eating is a big part of that lifestyle. Some helpful tips for those hefty holiday helpings: 1) Go for the protein first. Mow down on that turkey! 2) Take advantage of the fun veggie sides. 3) Go small on the desserts. Life isn’t about deprivation; it’s about moderation. Don’t treat your nutrition like a life sentence – constantly seeking for ways to break free. Treat it like the life that it is and have some fun with it once in a while.

A wise man once said, “Grace causes thanksgiving to overflow.” This community is a grace for which we are immensely grateful. We’re blessed beyond measure to have one another for support and encouragement as we sojourn this fitness journey together.

best dam fam

What to expect:

Increased focus on midline stability.

  • Strength/weightlifting – 2-3x’s a week.
  • Weekly workouts with a focus on midline stability.
  • Birthday WODs (We’re doing something a little different this month. Since so many of your birthdays fall on Sundays, we’re going to do a Saturday Birthday Throwdown to celebrate all of you – basically one big birthday party with weights) – Saturday November 19th.
  • Nutrition posts and advice.
  • Saturday Partner WODs
  • Kid’s Turkey Trot
  • CHAD Veterans Day WOD, Point Break, Cali-Bear, Ripcord, Ellen, Special Mary, an occasional Tabata Tuesday, AND MORE!

Fall Class Schedule:

M-F 5AM, 6AM, 7AM, 8AM, 9:30AM morning classes.
M- F 3:30PM, 4:30PM, 5:30PM afternoon classes.
Saturdays 9AM FREE Partner WOD.
Sundays – Closed.

Drop In Class Rates – $10.

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